Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

29109 - Heritage resources

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29109 - Heritage resources
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

- Participatory class
- Individual activities
- Teamwork
- Visits to heritage resources.
- Case studies
- Expert Talks
- Practical assigments
- Exam.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that is offered to student will help him to achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...


-Classroom teaching, presentation of individual and group work. 

-Theoretical / practical work.

5.3. Syllabus

LESSON 1. Concept of Heritage. The natural and cultural heritage.
1.1. Evolution of the concept of heritage
1.2. Concept and types of natural heritage
1.3. Concept and types of cultural heritage
1.4. Equity of the territory as landscape
1.5. Case Study: The Cultural Parks in Aragón
LESSON 2. Inventory, cataloging and evaluation of the tourism potential of heritage resources.
2.1. Tourist heritage resources
2.2. Kinds of tourism resources
2.3. Resources inventory
2.4. Evaluation of the touristic potential
2.5. Case study: development of a tab-resources inventory
LESSON 3. Tourism impacts on heritage resources.
3.1. Economic impacts of tourism on heritage resources
3.2. Sociocultural impacts of tourism on heritage resources
3.3. Environmental impacts of tourism on heritage resources
3.4. Responding to the impacts: the philosophy of sustainability
LESSON 4. Instruments and policies to protect the natural heritage
4.1. Evolution of natural heritage protection
4.2. Regulatory instruments of protection of natural heritage
4.3. Figures of legal protection of natural heritage
4.4. Consequences of the policies of protection of natural heritage in management
LESSON 5. Instruments and policies for the protection of cultural heritage
5.1. Evolution of the protection of cultural heritage
5.2. Normative instruments protecting cultural heritage
5.3. Figures of legal protection of cultural heritage
5.4. Consequences of the policies of protection of cultural heritage in management
LESSON 6. Heritage as a touristic resource 
6.1. Management of public use of natural heritage as a touristic resource
6.2. Management of public use of cultural heritage as a touristic resource
6.3. Offer and tourist equipments
6.4. Case Studies
LESSON 7. Heritage resources and land use. New models and management policies and development
7.1. What is regional planning?
7.2. Systemic vision of the territory: Working methodologies
7.3. Territoriality and new objectives of development
7.4. The new model of Management

5.4. Course planning and calendar

It is set by the teacher at the beginning of course both in classes and in the moodle platform.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BB El impacto del turismo en el patrimonio cultural./A.E.C.I : Universidad de Alcalá de Henares [s.l.]: A.E.C.I : Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 1995
BB Ribagorda Serrano, Miguel. Patrimonio Cultural . [1a. ed.] Madrid : Thomson, 2002
BB Rossier, M.. La conservación del patrimonio mundial y los paisajes culturales. Reunión de expertos Costa Rica: UNESCO, 2000
BB Troitiño Vinuesa, Miguel Ángel. Turismo cultural y destinos patrimoniales en España. La situación actual y retos de futuro.. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla Mancha, 2007
BB Turismo y gestión del territorio / José Ramón I. Alba y Elena Val Moreno (coord.) ; Javier Albisu ... [et al.] Zaragoza : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza, 2005
BB Viñals Blasco, María José. Turismo en espacios naturales y rurales II / María José Viñals Blasco Valencia : Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, D.L. 2002
BC 50 años del turismo español : un análisis histórico y estructural / director, Fernando Bayón Mariné ; coordinadores técnicos, Ma Ángeles González de Souza, Higinio Marcos Valdueza, Carlos Vogeler Ruiz ; coordinadora de textos y autores, Ma Cruz Alonso Sutil ; coordinadora de edición, Elisa Gómez-Luengo San Román Madrid : Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, D.L. 1999
BC Análisis territorial del turismo : una nueva geografía del turismo / J. Fernando Vera (coordinador) ; F. López Palomeque...[et al.] ; prólogo de J. Vilà  Valentí . - 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1997
BC Callizo Soneiro, Javier. Aproximación a la geografía del turismo / Javier Callizo Soneiro Madrid : Síntesis, D.L. 1991
BC Díaz Martínez, J.A. y Martínez Quintana, Mº V.. Sociología del turismo. Madrid : Uned, 2002
BC Fernández Fúter, Luis. Introducción a la teoría y técnica del turismo Madrid: Alianza, 1985
BC Ivars, Josep A.. Planificación turística de los espacios regionales en España / Josep A. Ivars . Madrid : Síntesis, 2002
BC Ordenación y gestión del territorio turístico / David Blanquer (director) ... [et al.] . [1a. ed.] Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2002
BC [s.n.]. Turismo y tiempo libre. Actividades, métodos y organización. Escuela de turismo: Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel. San Sebastián: Universidad Deusto, 1995
BC Tilden, Freeman. La interpretación de nuestro patrimonio / Freeman Tilden Sevilla : Asociación para la interpretación del Patrimonio, D.L. 2006
BC Wearing, Stephen. Ecoturismo : impacto, tendencias y posibilidades / Stephen Wearing, John Neil Madrid : Sintesis, D.L. 1999